Play Gym


Children's Projects
Home Projects
Play Gym


Children's play gym

The pictures below show the completed gym, along with some fairly detailed construction photos.  Using these photos and a basic understanding of woodworking, you too can build your own play-gym!

Completed Play Gym - The boxes stack nicely in quite a few configurations

This shot shows how 1/2 size and full size blocks stack together

The slide is topped with 1/8 inch hardboard - this stuff is great!

All of the pieces for a single full-sized box

Another view of all the pieces

Close-up of the smaller pieces

Another close-up of the smaller pieces

Dimensions of the top (where the kids stand)

Dimensions of each of the 4 side pieces

Close-up of the 'stacker pieces' before routing

All 4 stacker pieces after routing

Another picture of stacker pieces

Layout lines show how small pieces are glued to the larger piece

After the small pieces have been glued to all 4 sides

Close-up of how the pieces are glued together

Connecting all 4 sides together

View from the other side

Top-down view before the top is put in

After the top is put in

One completed box ready for painting

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This site was last updated 11/09/03