Flaming Cauldron


Spider Cake
Trigger System
Flaming Cauldron
Mask and Shield
Pop-Up Skull


Cauldron with Cellophane Flames

These were inspired by the 'burning town' scene at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.  I built a PVC frame to deliver air from my shop-vac to the cellophane cutout flames to make them dance.  Coupled with a string of orange lights placed under the cauldron, the effect was quite realistic when viewed from 10 feet away.

A paper-mache cauldron. I used an inflatable pumpkin as the original mold

After the rim had been added

Ready for some paint

After a paint job and a Polyurethane top-coat

Top View of the finished cauldron

Side view of the finished cauldron

The flame system in action (before adding red)

Another shot of the yellow flames

Top-down shot of the flames

Creation can be a messy project

Red celophane flames

Yellow cellophane flames

Combine them and you get...

The PVC frame

Construction detail - drilling the air holes

Another closeup of the air holes

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This site was last updated 11/08/03